Martine Gantrel
Professor Emerita of French Studies

Born and educated in France, Martine Gantrel joined the faculty at Smith College in 1980 after graduating from the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. She taught in the department of French Studies at Smith until her retirement in 2024.
Gantrel's area of specialization is the literary and cultural developments in France from the mid nineteenth to the early twentieth century, especially through the works of Lamartine, Zola, and Proust. Her publications have appeared in French or in English in journals such as Bulletin Marcel Proust, Quadrani Proustiani, Les Cahiers naturalistes, L'Esprit créateur, La Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France, Romantisme, Nineteenth-Century French Studies and The French Review.
Selected Publications
"Manger chez Proust: un verbe hors du commun." Forthcoming in Quadrani Proustiani 4 (2024).
"Une étape dans la conquête de l'originalité: la voix rauque de Mme de Guermantes." Bulletin Marcel Proust, 73 (2023): 120–132.
"Larme ou page: les métaphores lamartiniennes de l'autobiographie" in Roman et fictions brèves dans la littérature française du XIXème
"Larme ou page: les métaphores lamartiniennes de l'autobiographie". Roman et fictions brèves dans la litterature française du XIXs siècle. Interférences, tensions, dialogues. Chantal Masson and Bernard, eds. Grenoble, UGA éditions, 2022. 89-106.
“Vers une approche sonore de Françoise dans À la recherche du temps perdu.” Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France, no. 02 (2021).
“The First Junior Year Abroad Programs in France: How They Started and Why.” Full text available on
“La rue et ses cris: images du vieux Paris chez Balzac, Flaubert and Zola.” The French Review 87-1 (2013): 137-152.