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The Smith College OneCard is a multi-purpose photo ID card issued to all students faculty and staff. Beyond identification of status at Smith, the OneCard serves as a library card and as the interface to the OneCard Transaction System. The card, related accounts, and access privileges are non-transferable. The individual identified by the card (i.e. Cardholder) is responsible for all usage of his or her card and is the only one authorized to present the card for services, access, or purchases. A student using a card that does not belong to him or her may have that card confiscated and may be referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. The college reserves the right to disclose OneCard records to law enforcement officials, college judicial boards, and college officials. The card remains the property of Smith College. The OneCard Office is responsible for the issuance of all OneCards and the maintenance of all OneCard readers. If a card does not function properly at any location, the card owner should seek assistance at the OneCard Office.

Lost or Stolen Cards: The cardholder is responsible for suspending any lost or stolen OneCard immediately 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The lost or stolen card may be suspended anytime online at

Cards can also be suspended at the OneCard Office in person or by phone at 413-585-4487 during business hours.

Alternatively, students only can obtain a Temporary Card from the OneCard Office. Temporary Cards allow access to accounts, dining, and access privileges, but do not permit use of the library system. Replacement cards are available from the OneCard Office during drop in hours or by appointment. There is a $20 charge to replace a lost or stolen card. If a lost card is found prior to a replacement card being made, it can be reactivated via the web or in person at the OneCard Office at no charge.

Damaged Cards: Broken or damaged cards can be replaced for $10 on production of the original card or card fragments. Replacement cards are issued at the OneCard office during drop-in hours or by appointment.

Campus Cash Account: Campus Cash is an optional program. It is a stored-value account, which can be used to make purchases at select locations. The cardholder agrees to be bound by all account terms and conditions set forth in the Smith OneCard Terms and Conditions. All Campus Cash accounts are debit accounts, not credit accounts, and must maintain deposits sufficient to cover the cost of purchases. Campus Cash accounts do not earn interest. Restitution is required for overdrafts resulting from off-line transactions or transactions approved erroneously when sufficient funds are not actually in the account. The cardholder may request written statements of detailed account activity through the OneCard Office. Campus Cash balances are not transferable.

  • Deposits: Deposits by cash, check or money order can be made to Campus Cash accounts at the OneCard Office. Checks or money orders can also be mailed to OneCard Office, Seelye Hall B8, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063. In addition, cash (bills) can be deposited at the Value Transfer Stations located in Neilson Library, Wright Hall, and the Campus Center.

    All deposits must be in US Dollars and checks should be from US banks. Checks and money orders should be payable to Smith College. All deposits should include a Campus Cash deposit slip or include the student’s name, Student ID # and “Campus Cash” on the check. If a deposit check is returned by the bank for any reason, the Campus Cash account will be debited the amount of the check plus a $15 returned check charge. A deficit balance created by an unresolved returned check may be charged to a cardholder’s College Student Account.

  • Charges: There are no transactions charges for campus cash purchases or annual service fees.

  • Withdrawals and Account Closure: Cash withdrawals from Campus Cash accounts are not permitted. Funds remaining in Campus Cash accounts are carried forward semester to semester and year to year. Upon graduation, withdrawal, or dismissal from the college, any remaining balance will be transferred to students’ College account. Balances of less than $5 will be transferred only upon specific request by the student.

  • Error Resolution: If an error is suspected the cardholder should contact the OneCard Office either in person, by telephone or via e-mail within thirty (30) days of the transaction(s) in question. A written summary may be requested by the OneCard office. In most cases the OneCard Office will complete its investigation within 10 business days. If an error is found the necessary adjustments will be made to the Campus Cash account, any liability is limited to the amount of the error. If no error is found we will provide a written explanation within three business days of the conclusion of the investigation.

Contacting the Smith OneCard Office: The Smith OneCard Office is located in Seelye Hall B8. The office address is:

Smith OneCard Office
Seelye Hall B8
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

For current drop-in hours, please call or check our website. The OneCard Office will be closed on any day that the College is closed. The telephone number is 413-585-4487. You can send an e-mail to the OneCard Office at More information on the OneCard can be found at

Changes in Terms and Conditions: Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be posted to the Smith OneCard web page: Current copies of the Terms and Conditions are available at the Smith OneCard Office.

By using Campus Cash, you agree to the Terms and Conditions governing that account as set forth here and on the OneCard web site.

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